Our environmental commitment

At Glove Travel we understand the impact that tourism has on the world, that is the reason why we are committed to generate a conscious tourism, of quality and connected with the environment.

​In 2023 we decided to take our commitment even further by offsetting the emissions of the tourists who choose our services, through the planting of native trees and the regeneration of the Atlantic forest, one of the most biodiverse and threatened environments in the world.

A tourist chooses to travel with Glove

A native tree is planted in the rainforest

In Glove Travel, we believe in responsible and sustainable tourism that not only revels in nature’s beauty but also contributes to its preservation and regeneration. Planting trees is our way of giving back to nature for the abundant gifts it generously bestows upon us, ensuring that future generations can continue to explore and cherish this beautiful planet we share, leaving behind a legacy of everlasting beauty.

Regenerating Environments

Watch the videos of the last plantations that Glove Travel has supported.

Spring 2024 Planting

Fall 2024 Planting

Spring 2023 Planting

Fall 2024 Planting

Planting native trees in the Atlantic Forest

Discover the location of the parcels in the Reserve where we are planting.

Regenerate to Conserve

Some of the species we are conserving in the Atlantic forest




Pecarí de collar



Actions Report

Second Semester 2024

First Semester 2024

First Semester 2023

Second Semester 2023